1997 Asian financial crisis

1997 Asian financial crisis1997 Asian financial crisis
  1. The challenge . The 1997 Asian financial crisis hit the group hard .


  2. The " 10 + 3 " cooperation mechanism originated in the 1997 Asian financial crisis .


  3. How to defend and resolve the regional financial crisis has become a global focus since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis .


  4. Analysts say the country is on the cusp of its first investment boom since the 1997 Asian financial crisis .


  5. Beijing is aware that hasty capital account openings can spark situations such as the 1997 Asian financial crisis .


  6. Asian countries have the ammunition for such a fight after amassing record foreign exchange reserves since the 1997 Asian financial crisis .


  7. After 1997 Asian financial crisis , foreign exchange reserve of China began to increase , especially increasing more quickly from 2001 with an increase of 37 % .


  8. One reason is the bitter memory of the 1997 Asian financial crisis when the International Monetary Fund imposed fiscal austerity on several Asian countries .


  9. The huge armoury of reserves was actually designed to withstand the volatile capital flows that helped cause the 1997 Asian financial crisis .


  10. For central bankers , any mismanagement of inflation could erode much of the credibility that they have regained since the 1997 Asian financial crisis .


  11. In the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis , average profit margins in Chinese state companies fell to close to zero , and many reported huge losses .


  12. Countries in order to enjoy the benefits of economic integration , but also taste the economic integration , for example , bring the bitter legacy of the 1997 Asian financial crisis .


  13. In 2007 the United States for sub-loan crisis in the fuse and triggered a global financial crisis , but the crisis and the 1997 Asian financial crisis completely different , showing a new feature .


  14. Jim Walker , an economist who predicted the 1997 Asian financial crisis , forecasts a 5 per cent depreciation over the next year because corporate financials in China are deteriorating dramatically .


  15. The city 's government , which owns all land in the city , has been wary of releasing more supply onto the market for years , fearful of triggering a fall in prices such as that seen during the 1997 Asian financial crisis .


  16. Analyse indicates that , The main factors of the iron ore demand of our country are those , the GDP of our country , consumption of resident , imports and exports , investment in fixed assets , 1997 Asian financial crisis and every lagging variable of the variables .


  17. Some one even accused the Quantum Fund was the 1997 Southeast Asian financial crisis maker .


  18. How to harmonize real estate price and macro-economy is becoming more cared since the 1997 Southeast Asian financial crisis .


  19. Since the 1997 Southeast Asian financial crisis , people have paid more attention to the close contact of global financial markets , mutual influence among different market , banking risks and financial crisis .


  20. The 1997 Southeast Asian financial crisis made South Korea aware that the government should select the policy of attracting foreign investment ; the South Korean government has started to adjust policy , expanding measures of attracting foreign direct investment .


  21. The index , which tracks the 16 biggest emerging bond markets , was launched at the end of 1997 after the Asian financial crisis .
